Arts and Culture

Examples of Arts in Health on other Health Infrastructure projects

arts in Health

Arts in Health refers broadly to the practice of applying creative, participatory, or receptive arts interventions to health problems and health promotion settings to create health and wellbeing across the spectrum of health practice from primary prevention through to tertiary treatment. It includes all artforms: heritage, literature, visual, performing, and dramatic arts.

The RPA Hospital Redevelopment is progressing the next stage of project planning and the project team is developing ways the arts can help deliver exciting, welcoming, healing, and dynamic spaces for patients, carers, staff, and the community. Beautiful artistic spaces can also help with wayfinding and ensure indoor and outdoor spaces complement health service delivery.

Arts Curatorium 

As part of this initiative, we are excited to announce that leading independent arts facilitator, Michael Lynch, has been selected to lead the Curatorium for the Arts and Culture Strategy for the RPA Hospital Redevelopment.

The Curatorium is a multi-disciplinary approach to the Arts in Health Strategy that relies on a group of individuals and organisations to inform the arts outcomes for the Redevelopment.

Michael Lynch will work with the Curatorium to develop an Arts Strategy for the RPA Redevelopment to further enhance the wellbeing of RPA Hospital’s staff, patients, visitors, and the community.

The Curatorium will complement the existing arts programs at RPA and Sydney Local Health District and build on the work of the Arts and Culture Working Group for the RPA Hospital Redevelopment. The group, established last year, includes key representation from staff and the community.

The Arts Working Group is responsible for advocating for the successful integration of the arts for wellbeing, inclusive of heritage elements, into the RPA Hospital Redevelopment project.

Arts Curatorium Fact Sheet

Independent Facilitator Michael Lynch