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RPA Newsletter - March 2022
RPA Newsletter - MARCH 2022
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital is one of Australia’s premier hospitals
The NSW Government has committed $750 million to the redevelopment of RPA Hospital to deliver a new hospital building and refurbishment of existing spaces.
It is the biggest transformation of RPA in its 140 year history of caring for our community.
The RPA Redevelopment will deliver an enhanced and expanded Emergency Department and Intensive Care Unit, as well as world-class medical imaging suites, operating theatres and maternity, birthing and neonatal areas and additional adult and paediatric inpatient beds.
RPA Hospital has a long history of working in partnership with our community to deliver excellent health services. To help us plan and design new facilities that best meet the needs of our community our patients and our staff we’re inviting you to share your ideas.
Sydney Local Health District and Health infrastructure are committed to delivering a redevelopment that matches the world-class care provided at RPA today.
What services will the redevelopment deliver?
Since its foundation in 1882, RPA Hospital has been a respected provider of healthcare and a worldwide leader in innovation and healthcare excellence, maintaining the philosophy that our doors are always open to those who need our help.
Help us shape the future of the redevelopment
Expanded and enhanced Emergency Department and Intensive Care Units
Expanded women’s ambulatory and neonatology services
State-of-the-art operating theatres and interventional cardiology
Facilities and capabilities for integrated research, education and training
Expanded and improved adult inpatient accommodation
Additional adult and paediatric inpatient beds
Increased interventional and imaging services
Improved public domain and services including roads, wayfinding, landscaping and information and communications technology infrastructure
Where is the project up to?
The RPA Redevelopment is currently in the planning and design phase with significant progress made since the project was announced for fast-tracking in late 2020, as part of the state’s COVID-19 Recovery Plan. Hospital planning is a complex process that involves extensive consultation with staff, patients, consumers and the community to ensure the right clinical needs are met. To find out more about the process visit
Key milestones timeline
EARLY 2019
Project funding announced
LATE 2020
Project fast tracking announced
LATE 2020
Integrated Project Team appointed
MID 2021
Master plan completed
LATE 2021
Design Excellence Competition launched
EARLY 2022
Concept design commenced
LATE 2022
Schematic Design commenced
LATE 2022
Planning approval lodged
DESIGN - Concept, Schematic Design, Detailed Design
PLANNING - Clinical Services Plan, Master Plan, Functional Brief, Business Case
DELIVERY - Procurement, Construction, Completion, Evaluation
Have your say on the RPA Redevelopment
We can’t plan for this significant investment in the RPA Redevelopment without you.
Redeveloping a hospital is a complex process and we need your feedback to ensure it meets the needs
of the community that it serves. We need to hear what is important to those who will use the new facility
including all of our patients, carers, visitors, staff and community.
You are invited to share your views and ideas with the project team via an online survey. The survey will inform
the next phase of detailed planning and design of the new hospital facilities, allowing the team to transform
the healthcare experience for all who visit RPA.
Listening to our community
RPA is one of Australia’s premier hospitals and is recognised as a pioneer of patient care. RPA Hospital
has long history of working in partnership with our community. The consultation builds upon the extensive
engagement undertaken with staff, clinicians and consumers to understand the needs of our services and
departments and will ensure the hospital is purpose-built to meet the growing healthcare needs of everyone
who connects with RPA.
Would you like a presentation?
We are committed to keeping you up to date with information on the RPA Redevelopment. Our project
team is available to share project updates with your school, community, neighbourhood group, business or
other organisation. Please contact us today to register your interest.
To subscribe to our project updates, please email
How can I contact the project team?
If you have any questions or would like more information please contact our project team at the details below.
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